There is a setting you can turn on in both Android and Apple phones to make it easier to use 

I recently learned of an option available in most Smart Phone to simplify the user experience. It is called Easy Mode. You get there from your Settings option on your home page. You can try setting it yourself or stop by your wireless phone company and they will be able to help you. I have attached a link with some instructions if you are feeling brave. It removes clutter and enlarges the images and letters.

While I didn't change my phone to Easy Mode, I did enlarge my keypad. It seems like I am always hitting the key on the side of the letter I want, so this seems like a good option to try for a while. My son, Thomas, uses the color blind display which helps him see the pictures and icons on the phone. My cousin, who is deaf, uses her smart phone with several voice to text features. There look to be dozens of other settings to assist you.

If you are finding something challenging on your phone, stop my your carrier store and I bet they can help you make adjustments. 



Save money on prescriptions

Prescription prices are often very difficult to absorb. Best case scenario you can find a generic that works and worst case the medication is prohibitively high and you don't buy it, which is why I like to share whenever I find resources that help with the high cost of prescriptions. This month I am sharing with you about, a discount program we recently joined.

Drug prices vary wildly between pharmacies. GoodRx helps you find the lowest prices and discounts. GoodRX collects and compares prices for every FDA-approved prescription drug at more than 70,000 US pharmacies instantly within the mobile app. It returns to you a visual that shows you the cost of the medication by pharmacies near you. It also offers free coupons to use at the pharmacy. Watch the video attached to see how it works. Then download their mobile app from their website or Apple Store.

Make sure to let me know how it works for you.